Top Business principles for success – Part 1

  • Be customer obsessed.
  • DAY -1- Every member of the company should come to work every day as if it’s their First Day at work. Your actions should have the same zeal and energy as if you have to build your company from scratch.  No customer, no sale.  So there should be no Day 2.  (Your energy level, your actions, your positive attitude counts a lot to boost the environment.
  • SUCCESSFUL FAILURE: Convert all your failures into success. Learn from your mistakes and convert them into your learning and how can you use this learning for the betterment of the company.
  • Apply long-term focus in everything you do. Long-term gives you to plan your path and how to reach your long-term vision. Nothing can be built in short term.
  • Understand your business flywheel. In which the business comes into an auto mode and grabs more and more customers. Business is run by people and hence your team should be strong enough to pull the work in their responsibility.
  • High velocity in action and decision. : Time is more important than anything else. Make quick decisions. Two types of decisions.
    a) Type 1: which are high-level decisions and wherein once you take the decision you can’t turn it back or come back.
    b)Type 2: These are decisions where you can come back or reverse, Wherein if the first choice doesn’t work you can come back work out another plan of action. But these should be quick and spontaneous. The delay in such decisions kills businesses.
  • Make complexity simple for your customers: Give a smooth experience to your customers. The simpler and easy customer experiences, the more chances for your customer to come back.
  • Let your people and team take ownership, they can take Type-2 decisions, but in every aspect, they should understand that their decision is in the interest of customers and business.

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